Yoga instructor


My name is Emily, and I'm a part-time yoga teacher, part[1]time lawyer and full time mummy to two little ones, Thomas and Olivia. I discovered the magic of Yoga 13 years ago, at a particularly stressful time in my life. Yoga has been my friend ever since. For me, Yoga is transformative and has the power to hugely change how you feel in body and mind, both on and off the mat. I have a particular interest in therapeutic application of the practise. When I'm not on my mat, you can generally find me walking our puppy and little ones in the countryside that we are lucky enough to live in. And I'm never far from the kitchen- food is my other great love. I bake often and am known for knocking up a spicy chilli or a mean spag bol.

Have a look at my class(es):